Root Canal Treatment: 7 FAQs Answered

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Planning your root canal treatment in Vizag? Perhaps your doctor recommended it?

You might have several questions in mind about the treatment.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about root canal treatment with answers:

1. What is a root canal?

A root canal is a procedure in which the infected or injured tissue inside the tooth, called the pulp, is removed and replaced with an inert material. The procedure cleans and disinfects the tooth and can save it from having to be extracted. When performed correctly, root canal therapy can save your natural teeth, avoid the risk of an infection reaching your bloodstream, and keep you from experiencing any pain.

2. How long does root canal treatment last?

The lifespan of a crowned tooth depends on how well you have taken care of it. If you are careful about brushing and flossing, take care not to over-brush the crown, and avoid chewing hard or sticky foods, you should be able to maintain the life of the crown for many years. In general, without a crown, root canal treatment can last anywhere around 2-4 years. The lifespan is more if it has been crowned.

3. Is root canal treatment very painful?

Root canal therapy involves the removal of the infected pulp from a tooth and is considered one of the most common dental procedures. Many people consider it painful, but in reality, it isn’t. In fact, it is actually quite painless. Dentists can use local anesthesia to numb the tooth and surrounding areas before performing a root canal. You may experience some mild discomfort and swelling around your tooth after the procedure. However, this will subside within a few days after the procedure.
4. How expensive is a root canal?
The cost of root canal treatment depends on various factors, including the city you’re in and the clinic/hospital you’re getting treated in. In general, RCT isn’t cheap. But it doesn’t have to be very expensive either. Contact us to know about the root canal treatment cost in Vizag.
5. What are the side effects of root canal treatment?
The most common side effect of root canal treatment is mild pain or pressure in the area of the treated tooth for several days after you leave the office. You may see some swelling as well. After your treatment, you’ll probably want to take an over-the-counter pain reliever for a day or two. If swelling or pain lasts longer than that, contact your dentist. There are no serious side effects from having root canals done. However, if you’re allergic to any medications, such as antibiotics or local anesthetics, tell your dentist before receiving any medication during root canal treatment.
6. Is a crown necessary after a root canal?
Usually after Root Canal Treatment, tooth might loose its shape & the strength of the tooth also gets affected. So usually it requires Crown after root canal treatment to get proper shape & strength.
7. What are the symptoms that you need a root canal?
Root canals are frequently needed to treat dental pain and preserve a damaged tooth. If you experience symptoms like constant tooth pain, sensitivity, swollen gums and pain when eating, you may require RCT. Visit the best dental clinic in Vizag for consultation.
Have more questions?
Get in touch with us. We would be happy to answer all your questions on root canal treatment or any dental treatment.

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