Fighting Oral Cancer: Prevention, Detection, and Treatment

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Your oral health is as important as your overall wellness. In fact, your mouth is the gateway to ensuring your complete wellbeing, as it is your mouth that allows any kind of consumption. Imagine ruining your oral health. Isn’t it going to take a toll on your overall health? Well, it surely will. Thus, it is important to follow a good oral regimen, do regular oral check-ups, and ask for immediate consultation with a doctor in case of any sore throat or oral problem that lasts a bit longer than regular problems.
Oral cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer that can be found in adults as well as kids. And though there is no definite medicine or cure available for this, the problem can always be reduced with proper prevention and awareness of the issue. Consider reading this article, where we are going to talk all about oral cancer, its prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

What is oral cancer?

Malignant cancer is generally the result of unusual cell growth around your body. These unwanted cells grow and invade other productive cells as well.
Oral cancer is also this type of malignant cancer. And as the name suggests, it starts from the mouth. Any cancer affecting your lips, tongue, throat, sinuses, or other oral parts is termed oral cancer.

Prevention of Oral Cancer

A variety of factors can cause oral cancer. These include genetics, excessive tobacco consumption, weak immunity, the HPV virus, an unhealthy lifestyle, and so on. However, whatever the cause, it is important to understand the prevention technique for oral cancer. Here are some of the ways that may help you prevent oral cancer:
Quit Smoking
As mentioned, smoking is one of the leading causes of oral cancer. Thus, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle and ignore smoking as much as you can.
Stop Excessive Alcohol Consumption
According to research, excessive alcohol consumption is also related, and oral cancer development is closely related. This is enough to convince you to cut down on your alcohol consumption. It is always suggested that you consume alcohol responsibly.
Follow a Good Diet
Your diet plays a major role in improving your overall wellness and eliminating any kind of health problem. The same goes for oral cancer, too. Studies reveal how good consumption of fruits and vegetables can reduce the growth of cancerous cells.
And although there is no definite cure or prevention formula to restore your oral health, it is important to keep following a healthy lifestyle for your health.

Detection of Oral Cancer

Research reveals that oral cancer comes with a preclinical phase. This phase can help your doctor easily identify the symptoms at a very early stage. And thus, reducing the chances of it turning into something fatal. However, for that to happen, as mentioned earlier, it is important to regularly visit your dentist and have a report of your oral health.
Consider asking for cancer screenings at your checkups. Anything suspicious can usually be detected through visual examinations. Here, the doctor carefully checks your mouth, tongue, the presence of any lumps, and much more. In the event of anything unusual or unwanted, the doctor may suggest you undergo further examinations, including biopsies.
Even if you’re self-inspecting, as soon as you see any lump, discoloration, or inflammation in your mouth for a longer period, consider visiting your dental expert.
Oral cancer treatment
The treatment of oral cancer differs from one person to another. It majorly depends on the person’s condition, age, and medical record. Based on these assessments, the doctor suggests a suitable type of cancer treatment.
The most common and popular type of oral cancer treatment is surgery. Here, the affected part is carefully removed to stop the growth of cancerous cells and save the surrounding areas.
Next is radiotherapy, where the cancerous cells are targeted and broken down using radiation.
Some experts also suggest chemotherapy, which includes regular checkups and medications for betterment.
Wrapping Up
Oral cancer can be life-threatening. Thus, it is crucial to understand its causes and prevention. With the advancement of technology, we are able to design some kinds of cancer treatments. Sri Satya Dental offers the best cancer treatment in Vizag with expert doctors who are highly trained and experienced in the field with several years of practice. We prioritise your safety while not compromising the treatment’s efficiency. At Satya Dental, we are here to assist you at each step of your treatment journey.
However, when it comes to oral cancer, prevention is your best treatment. Try adapting a healthy lifestyle to boost your overall wellness.

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