Does Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Changes Your Face Value?

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Yes ! Oral and maxillofacial surgery specializes in surgery of the face, mouth, and jaws.your smile is very important, Smile is not only about the lips, but also the teeth and gums behind it, including the jaw line. Cosmetic dental surgery is now easily accessible to each one of us. Commonly dentistry focuses on oral hygiene and preventing, diagnosing, and treating oral disease, cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving a person’s overall appearance giving a complete new look. Best dentistry can range from teeth color improvements, laminates, composite bonding, correction of the misalignment of the teeth etc.cosmetic dentistry design your overall smile. The changes brought by various modalities of Dental procedures will give you that wow look!

Benefits of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery:

Its design your teeth color , size, position &alignment to face/lips

Change your gums color, shape, position & visibility and also change

removal of bad impacted teeth and complex buried dental roots

removal of jaw tumours and cysts

removal of head and neck benign and malignant tumours

cosmetic surgery such as face lifts, eyelid and brow surgery and correction and reconstruction of the nose (rhinoplasty)
temporomandibular (jaw) joint surgery

head and neck cancer – removal of tumours and reconstruction

jaw joint problems and facial pain

Cosmetic dentistry to helps your facial skin surgery including removing facial cancers and tumours
smile of a young woman
Hollywood celebrities also design their best smiles through cosmetic dentistry, This surgery not only for celebrities it also for common people who are injured with some dental issues like , gums, teeth alignment, complex buried dental roots, oral cancer, etc.

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