When to Consult a Dental Implant Specialist for Tooth Replacement

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Denture is a term that is commonly used to refer to the loss of one’s teeth and the right treatment must be selected for replacement to have a healthy, functional and aesthetically appealing smile.

However, many techniques can be used and dental implants happen to be one of the best. Sometimes patients feel when they have to visit the dental implant specialist. Hence, it’s important to understand when you need to seek a dentist. This blog is to help you understand the signs and situations that may warrant you to see a dental implant specialist.

Missing One or More Teeth

If you have gaps in your teeth or you are missing one or more teeth, it is time you visit a dental implant surgeon. It is a permanent method nowadays which helps in restoring the appearance, function and oral health of a tooth. Analysing the main differences between the two options, people can find out that implants are better than dentures as they look and feel more natural.

A dental implant specialist is qualified to assess your oral condition and decide if you should undergo an implant treatment. The first step involved in avoiding bone loss and preserving jaw bone health is an early consultation with a professional.

Speak the Hard Way or Eat with a lot of Effort

Consequences of tooth loss include improper chewing and speaking since you are left without many Teeth. Even if challenges are as ordinary as eating, or speaking differently, it is advisable to see a dental implant specialist. They also hinder effective biting chewing and even speaking because visitors will end up having gaps where there are supposed to be teeth.

In particular, implants can return full functionality, which means painless chewing and speaking. They will, therefore, evaluate your problems and come up with an appropriate treatment plan for your permanent comfort and enhanced life.

Fluctuating or Irritating Dentures

Of these relating to dentures, instability of the dentures and discomfort are the most frequently occurring effects. Teeth that shift make one develop ulcers, and one’s inability to feed properly, it just makes one shy. If you are so frustrated dealing with these problems, dental implants may be what you need.

Dental implants offer the user a fixed and permanent like solution to conventional dentures. One major advantage of implant-supported dentures is the fact that they are fixed and have a better fit compared to other standard dentures. For further details on how you can change and the ways the dental implants will be beneficial to you, it is wise to speak to a dental implant expert.

Bone Loss in the Jaw

Another of the unknown effects of missing teeth is that the jaw slowly begins to lose its bone mass. When there is a loss of one of them, the alveolar bone in the jaws degrades gradually because of the absence of stimulation. Weakened bones of the jaw and face, shifts in facial appearance and challenges for further dental treatments are possible consequences of this.

If the doctor has told you that you have bone loss, the specialist in dental implants can suggest ways of increasing the strength of your jawbone through grafting and then recommend the kind of implants that should be used. Infections worsen over time which means that it is better to act early before it becomes worse.

Damaged or Decayed Teeth

Teeth that are loose, broken or rotten beyond restoration may have to be removed and replaced with implants. If you are experiencing recurring pain, infection or sensitivity, or if you have severely damaged teeth, a dental implant surgeon can evaluate you for extraction and replacement of the teeth with implants.

You will get rid of pain and other issues that are common with decayed teeth and at the same time have an effective, long-lasting, and standard implant.

The desire for a lasting solution to one’s struggle seems to be non-existent.
Most of the individuals who come for dental implants do so because they require a long-term and easily maintainable replacement for the missing teeth. Implants are not like other treatments available for missing teeth such as; dental bridges or dentures that need to be replaced from time to time, implants are meant to last a lifetime. For a solution that may not require constant replacement or adjustment, it is advisable to seek advice from a dental implant expert.
Infections or Gum Disease
One of the negative effects you may experience from gum disease or infection around the teeth is tooth loss. However, there are several situations – such as periodontal disease – that require initial treatment before one can make consideration for dental implants, a dental implant specialist shall be able to give you the next steps to take. At times, they may consult a periodontist to treat the underlying gum problems before treatment with the dental implant is done.
Why Choose Sri Satya Dental?
We offer dental implants in Visakhapatnam at Sri Satya Dental; our team offers complete services to help you regain your smile. The highly trained dental implant surgeons on our team will give you a customized care plan based on your situation. If you have lost some teeth, have broken dentures, or have any other dental complications, do not worry because we will help you through the various steps, and guarantee you quality treatment.
Visit Sri Satya Dental Now to talk to a Dental Implant Specialist!

If for instance, you have any of the above problems do not hesitate. Visit our clinic at Visakhapatnam and get a consultation with a dental implant specialist at Sri Satya Dental. Our experienced dentists specialize in dental implants and guarantee that our focus is on the needs of the patient to help you get your fabulous smile back.

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